Sunday 23 December 2018

8 Things You Should Rather Not Gift

I promise this entire post is going to make sense, but you will find lots of “why”s here and there. Couldn't help it. Bear with me, please!
Let's say it's someone's birthday. Or an important day that calls for a celebration. A day of achievement. Whatever. You might want to gift something to them. While you figure out things that you can buy as gifts, here is a list of things that you are better off not gifting to anyone.
I mean, yes, you can get away with gifting some of these to people close to you, but for people you are not on pretty informal terms with, you might want to avoid these:

    1. Perfumes/Deodorants- This thing tops the list because it is gifted to people so frequently, but it's not exactly a good idea. I mean, come to think of it. Why would you gift perfumes to someone? Because they don't smell good? Perfumes are great gifts as long as you have to gift something to someone. If you really want your gifts to be thoughtful, don't do it.
    2. Showpieces- Again, tell me why. No doubt showpieces look beautiful but after a few days, I might not even notice such things kept somewhere, supposedly kept to gather my attention.
    The only time I would recall its presence is when I would be cleaning my house. They get dirty, too, y'know? And then, they lose their beauty. Not really a nice idea.
    3. Regifting- There are days when some people are given something they realise they would never need. Do you want to know what some of those people do? They gift it to someone else. Regifting. Happens. More than you think. Most inconsiderate thing ever!
     Plus, what if, just what if, the recipient knows that you had been gifted the gift that you are gifting them! Save yourself the embarrassment. Don't do it.
    4. Pets- Let's get serious here for once. As much as I love animals and would love pets, let me put one thing out there very clearly. Animals, are living beings, just like you and me.
    Fostering them is a responsibility, and a pretty difficult one, emotionally, physically and financially. Keeping animals as pets has to be done after you have all the scenarios clear in your head. And gifting animals, especially as a surprise gift, is the worst thing you can ever do. Don't do such things on a whim.
    5. Flowers- Bouquets. Don't. I mean, why would you? I know, bouquets are very popular as gifts but it is one of the many thoughtless gifts that are on this list. Giving a bouquet makes it clear that you were not interested in this whole process of gifting but you had to. Also, gifting fake flowers. Bad idea.
    6. A ticket to travel, especially for a long journey, especially as a surprise- If you want me out of your sight for good, gift me such tickets. But maybe, I wouldn't leave so easily and you wouldn't like your gift being wasted. So you have to compel me to go, too.
    7. Souvenirs- Now, gifting to someone such things, that are found nowhere else but at a place you visited is one thing. Gifting them souvenirs is another. Souvenirs are memoirs of places. You visited the place, so if someone has to have memoirs, it's you, not someone else. I don't know what crosses their minds when they gift souvenirs of places they have visited to others, though.
    8. Clothes- Giving away clothes as gifts much bigger or smaller in size than required isn't something you would sign up for. Why not just avoid it? Don't get into gifting clothes unless you're sure if the clothes would fit well.
    So these were all those general things that you should avoid gifting to someone. Try knowing the preferences of people before gifting things. It is always better than giving away things that help no one. Your gifts are meant to depict your feelings and thoughts for them. Make sure your gifts show what you think of them.

      Keep Smiling!😊

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      Author: Saima Sohail

      About the author: A student, who likes to write in her free time. Expressing her views and talking about her experiences in studies, and life values, in general, are all that she does when she writes.


  1. I beg to disagree..i want clothes, i want dogs (that way i wudn't hav to take the blame on me for sneaking it in) and i sure as well want tickets to good place(free mein anything is good for me��)..and flowers bhi ache hi toh hain

    1. Hey! First of all, thanks for reading. Secondly, this blog was a very generalised write-up. Clothes are great gifts as long as they fit well. Pets are great gifts as far as the receiver is ready to take up its responsibilities. I am still sceptical about tickets, especially as a surprise gift, because what if someone is going to be busy and that's when you buy a ticket for them for a far-away place? Flowers are nice and aesthetic and stuff, but (completely my view here) if I am going to gift something to someone, I would work harder on it.
      Thanks for your feedback. Happy reading!!������


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