Sunday, 21 October 2018

What Not To Think About

Looking around, I see
Events, good and bad, happening around me.
I don't think I would express my opinions.
I won't tell people what I think.
Because, what if, my opinions aren't in line with others?
What if people don't accept me the way I am?

I don't think I would do things
That I want to do.
Or wear dresses that I love.
What if what I do is criticized?
What if people say that I don't look good?
That I don't look a certain way?

I might not try new things in life.
Maybe because I would want validations
And no one would validate me,
Or worse, they might not like me.
Or, what if I fail?
No one would not support me.

What if I refuse to help someone,
Not because of some negativity towards him,
But because I am busy?
No, I can't.
Because I might be called selfish.

I have to bear all insults thrown at me,
Because what if,
I am considered evil for retaliating?
What if I show my vulnerable self to others?
People would leave me alone.

What if I don't go by the unspoken rules,
Like everyone else does?
Would people dislike me?
Maybe I won't fit in.

What if,
What if even after doing everything
As is expected by me,
People still dislike me?
What if the what-ifs just never end?
Because it doesn't look like it ever will.

I am not even going to ask if some of the above words have crossed your mind ever or not. I know it does, once in a while, if not always.
We are scared of judgments and inability to fulfil expectations. We are always looking forward to what others think about us. We are worried about what people might say or do if we say or do, or be a particular way. And today, I would not even speak the obvious you-should-not-care-about-what-others-think stuff.
All I want you to know is that everyone around you is as clueless about the answers to the what-ifs as you are. All I want you to know is the fact that you aren't the sun to their solar system, just like no random person is yours.

That you aren't the center of everybody's life, just like everybody isn't yours. And so, no one actually thinks a lot about you, at least not as much as you think. Because, just like you, they are worried about your judgments.

So, maybe, not worrying might help. Because there would always be a group of people who would be against you, reason or no reason. And still, if that worries you, I don't even know how to help you.

You are the only person who is going to be with you for the longest time. So, if you aren't happy with yourself, there is no point in pleasing people who do not matter. You already know you can't please everyone. So enjoying your life the way it is, and the way you want it to be, might be a better decision.

Keep Smiling! 😊

Hey everyone. These are things that I think about almost all the time, so I thought why not write about it? I wrote my heart out today. Hope you like it. I tried a new way to present the post. Tell me what you think about it. You would find a comment box below. Do convey your thoughts to me. Feedbacks and suggestions are welcome. You can also send me e-mails at

Author: Saima Sohail

About the author: A student, who likes to write in her free time. Expressing her views and talking about her experiences in studies, and life values, in general, are all that she does when she writes.

Note: All the pictures that have been published on this blog are copyright-free and are obtained from “”

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